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Zaskrbljenost Igralca

Skrbi igralca so oblike morale, ki jih igralec lahko razvije. Če ne poskrbiš za te skrbi, bo igralec čez čas zahteval prestop in zapustil tvoj klub. Prestop lahko zahteva vsak igralec in tako javno pove, da želi prestop ter s tem spodbudi klube, da pošljejo ponudbe zanj.

There are 4 areas of concern which a player could develop and these are in relation to being loaned out, a wage dispute, lack of opportunity at the club and a lack of games. Any concerns which a player has will be displayed within your Squad/Tactics (with Unh as their Player Field Description) and also within their Player Profile. When a player develops a concern you will also receive a new Club Message notifying you of this.