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How do I change a player within my my starting XI?
To change a player within your starting 11 either click on the drop down arrow on the desktop site or a player's name on the app and a list of suitable players will be displayed for you to choose from. On the desktop site you can also click and drag a player's shirt number on to the player you wish to change. As you drag a player the Player Position Helper will indicate the ideal positions where the player should play.

Kako naj vem, na katerem mestu v moji postavi lahko igralec igra?
Ko kliknete in povlečete igralca, vam bo Pomočnik za pozicije igralca navedel, na katerih mestih bo idealno, če bo igralec igral.

What do the different colours mean within the Player Position Helper?
A player will perform better in his preferred position (green) and his performance will suffer if he is played out of his natural position (orange). The more a player is played away from his natural position (red), the more his performance will suffer.

How do I give a player extra instructions?
First you need to click on the cross symbol next to the player and you will be presented with a drop down list of options. Then simply click on which option you want from the list and this will give your player the extra instruction.

How do I remove an extra instruction a player may have?
To remove an instruction click on the cross symbol next to the player and select 'normal' from the drop down options

Koliko navodil v igri lahko ustvarim?
Lahko ustvarite največ osem navodil v igri.

Ali bo, če ne naredim navodil med tekmo med tekmo kaj zamenjav?
V tvojih navodilih pred igro se ne bo nič spremenilo, če ne boste nastavili navodil med tekmo.

Če hočem opraviti 3 menjave v treh različnih časovnih obdobjih npr. 45 min, 60 min in 75 min ali moram ustvariti 3 ločena navodila v igri
Za vsako menjavo v različnem časovnem obdobju morate ustvariti ločeno navodilo v igri.

How do I make a substitution within a new formation?
If you wish to make a substitution within a new formation then click and drag a player’s name from your substitutes bench onto the player you want to change them with in your starting XI (to move them). You can also do this by clicking on the drop down arrows next to a player's name to the left of the screen. Now click on 'situation' to set the situation and time you would like the Instruction to be carried out using the two drop down boxes prior to clicking on the tick box and 'confirm changes' to confirm it.

Can I make a substitution without changing my formation?
If you wish to make a substitution without changing your tactics then click and drag a player’s name from your substitutes bench onto the player you want to change them for in your starting XI (to move them). You can also do this by clicking on the drop down arrows next to a player's name to the left of the screen. Now click on 'situation' to set the situation and time you would like the Instruction to be carried out using the two drop down boxes prior to clicking on the tick box and 'confirm changes' to confirm it.

How do I know which player I have selected to substitute within an In-Game Instruction?
For each substitution which you choose for your Instruction the player being substituted will have a red arrow next them and the player replacing them will have a green arrow next to them.

Kako lahko naredim navodilo med tekmo aktivno oz. neaktivno?
Če želite, lahko aktivno oz. neaktivno naredite katerokoli navodilo med igro. To preprosto naredite s klikom na aktivno, če želite narediti navodilo neaktivno, oz. obratno, če želite narediti navodilo aktivno.

Kako lahko pogledam oz. popravim katerega koli od navodil med tekmo?
Če želite pogledati oz. spremeniti navodila med tekmo samo kliknite na posamezno situacijo

Kako izbrišem navodilo med tekmo?
Izbrišete lahko katerokoli navodilo med tekmo, ki ga več ne potrebujete, tako da zraven posameznega navodila kliknete na rdeč križec.

Zakaj so oje taktike drugačne od izbranih?
Če niste Zlati Menedžer potem vaš pomočnik določi taktike in postavo za SMFA tekmovanja.

Kako so določeni rezultati?
Soccer Manager so naredili sistem, ki bo preverjal več dejavnikov (na primer igralčevo kondicijo, sposobnost, moralo, taktiko, kdo igra doma in v gostek itn), ki bojo pomagali pri izračunu rezultatov.