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Igralni svet po meri

Lahko vsak kupi in ustvariIgralni svetovi po meri?
Vsak član Soccer Manager skupnosti lahko kupi, ustvari in kontroliraIgralni svetovi po meri.

Kako ustvariti Igralni svet po meri?
Ko si preko Nadgradnje kupil Igralni svet po meri, ga lahko ustvariš s tem, da greš pod Moji igralni svetovi in klikneš na Ustvari Igralni svet. Zatem boš moral slediti petim predpisanim korakom, preden boš lahko ustvaril Igralni svet po meri.

Can I delete my Igralni svet po meri and create a new one?
Once you have created your Igralni svet po meri it cannot be deleted. If you want to create a new Igralni svet po meri you will have to purchase another one via Nadgradnje.

Lahko zamenjam ime mojega Igralni svet po meri?
Ne morete zamenjati imena vašega Igralni svet po meri saj je le-ta unikaten.

Lahko zamenjam pravila mojega Igralni svet po meri?
Lahko uredite samo Napredna pravila vašega Igralni svet enkrat na začetku sezone, preden se odigra prva tekma.

How are my Advanced Rules enforced?
The SMFA will automatically enforce any of the Advanced Rules you select.

Kako sprejmem in zavrnem menedžerje v mojem Igralni svet po meri?
Nove menedžerje lahko sprejmete ali zavrnete na Moji igralni svetovi ter potem s klikom na Administrator igralnega sveta.

How do I remove a manager from my Igralni svet po meri?
You cannot remove any manager from your Igralni svet. However, if you believe that any manager within your Igralni svet has broken the Terms of Use they agreed to then you need to report them via the All Transfers page. The SMFA will then investigate this and if necessary take the appropriate action.

My application has been rejected for a Igralni svet po meri what should I do?
The Igralni svet po meri owner can accept or reject any managers they do or do not want within their Igralni svet.

Can you lift a ban from a manager within your Igralni svet po meri?
You can view the managers that have been removed and banned from your Igralni svet po meri from My Game Worlds and unban them if you want to.

Is it possible to swap clubs within your Igralni svet po meri?
You can not swap any club for another club once you have created your Igralni svet.

Can I remove all of the managers within my Igralni svet po meri?
You can not remove all the managers in your Igralni svet po meri as this would be on unfair on the managers.