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How do I improve my players fitness?
The best way to improve your players fitness is by resting them, and this can be done by adopting a squad rotation policy.

Ali lahko treniram svoje igralce?
Soccer manager nima treningov.

How do I increase my players rating?
A player will increase or decrease in rating depending on his form as well as his ability in real-life, and it is not affected by how he performs for you in Soccer Manager.

Kako povečam igralčevo moralo?
Igralčeva morala se lahko poveča z nekaterimi od naštetih razlogov - igralec konstantno igra, igra na svoji pravilni poziciji, njegov klub nastopa dobro, igralec sam nastopa dobro ali če je igralcu ponujena nova pogodba.

Why does my player have a concern?
The player could have developed the concern for a number of reasons, including being loaned out, their current wage, lack of opportunity at the club and a lack of games.

Koliko stopenj skrbi igralcev obstaja?
Obstaja pet Stopenj zaskrbljenosti, ki jih lahko razvijejo igralci.

How do I get rid of my player's concern?
This is all dependent on what the player's concern is and it is advisable to read the Player Concerns article for full details on how this feature works.

Igralec redno igra. Zakaj mu zakrbljenost ne pada?
Če je igralec na primer odigral le 2 tekmi od 15 tekem, kar je manj kot 65-75%, se bo pri igralcu pojavila zaskrbljenost stopnje 1. Tudi, če bo odigral naslednjih 15 tekem, bo še zmeraj razvil zaskrbljenost stopnje 2, saj je odigral le 17 od 30 tekem, kar je še zmeraj manj kot 65-75%.

Why is my player cup tied?
A player will become cup-tied dependent on the competition and type of Game World that your are participating in. This prevents a strong team from gaining an unfair advantage by signing talented players from clubs that may have lost out in earlier rounds, in an attempt to increase their cup chances.