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Igralni svet

Kdaj so ustvarjena Zlata prvenstva?
Po stvaritvi Zlato prvenstvo obvestimo vse menedžerje o uri in datumu stvaritve preko obvestil.

Kdaj se Igralni svetovi ustvarijo?
Igralni svetovi so usvarjeni naključno med dnevom s strani članov naše skupnosti, ki jih kupijo v Nadgradnje

I think there is a cheat in my Igralni svet?
If you think a manager has broke the Terms and Conditions or the SM Code of Conduct which forms part of the same then please send Soccer Manager a support ticket with full details of the manager(s) in question, and we will look into this and take the appropriate action.

Why is my Igralni svet closing?
A Igralni svet can be permanently closed at the end of a season if it has one or less managers and it is administered by the NZSM. If a Igralni svet is due to be closed then a warning message will be displayed within My Home.

Zakaj mi je SMFA prepovedala vstopiti v Igralni svet?
Če vam ni dovoljeno vstopiti v Igralni svetje to zato, ker ima SMFA razlog da verjame da že imate račun in\ali da ste povezani z računom v Igralni svet.

WZakaj me predsednik kluba v Igralni svet noče zaposliti?
Predsednik kluba bo pregledal koliko klubov ste že vodili v Igralni svet, in vas ne bo zaposlil, če neprestano menjate klube v tem Igralni svet ali pa vodite klube za kratko obdobje.

There is a manager in my Igralni svet who never responds to my bids?
Unfortunately there is nothing we can do in relation to this as we can't force any manager to participate within the transfer market.

What happens at the end of the season?
Once the last league fixture has been played, the Igralni svet enters into preseason and 16 days later the opening day's fixture for the new season will be played.

Can I transfer Igralni svetovi to a friends account?
You can't transfer Igralni svetovi between any two accounts. However, if you would like to purchase a product via Nadgradnje for your friend then you can do so using the Gift facility.

Lahko prenesem klub na prijateljev račun?
Klubov ne morate prenašati na ostale račune.

How do I manage my favourite club?
If you can't find your favourite club please manage an alternative club and then check again as Igralni svetovi are created randomly on a daily basis. Alternatively you can go to Nadgradnje and purchase your very own Igralni svet and on creation you can choose the first club in it!

Ali mi lahko rezervirate klub?
Ne moremo rezervirati nobenega kluba za nobenega od naših članov. Številni Igralni svetovi so ustvarjeni čez dan ob različnih časih, imaš pa tudi možnost kupiti Standardni igralni svet preko Nadgradnje.