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Iskanje igralcev in skavtanje

If you have already identified a potential transfer target, then enter either the player's surname or part of their surname within the Player Search to find the player. Alternatively, you can enter a club's name or part of a club's name within the Club Search to find the club of your choice.

If you are interested in buying a player now or in the future, the player search and scout facility is your main point of call for scouting the market for potential transfer targets. The search is split into 3 areas, namely a Specific Search, an Napredno iskanje igralcev and a Scout Search. Whether you decide to use either the Specific, Advanced Player or Scout Search facilities, these will make your search easier by narrowing it down and making it more specific.

Če si še nisi izbral igralca, ki bi ga kupil, si lahko pomagaš s podrobnim iskalnikom, kjer določiš kriterije igralca, katere bi rad našel. Imaš več možnosti, da zožiš iskanje, kot na primer z izborom pozicije, sposobnosti, cene, starosti in narodnosti. Iskalnik bo potem prikazal igralce po izbranih kriterijih, na vrhu pa bo tisti z največjo sposobnostjo. Vrstni red pa lahko spremeniš s klikom na kakšno od podrobnosti igralca.

Once you have identified your transfer target using one of the search facilities, you can either make an approach to buy the player now (see transfers), add him to your shortlist with a view to purchasing him at a later date or or alternatively request a scout report to see how they would fit into your squad.

Alternatively you can use the Scout Search to select the player criteria you wish to scout for. There are several options which you can select to narrow down your scouting, namely by Position and also players for either your starting line up, squad or youth team. The resulting search will then display a list of players based on your scouting criteria.