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Cenitev predsednika kluba

This value is decided by the Chairman of the club the player currently plays for. This value is dependent on his significance within the club. If the player is a 'first team' player or is one of the better players within the squad the Chairman will value him highly. Different Chairman will value the player at different amounts if the player moves club.

Na primer, predsdnik kluba AC Milan lahko vrednoti enega svojih 'rezervnih' igralcev na 3m, če pa se igralec preseli v Sieno, lahko Sienin predsednik vrednoti igralca na 5m, ker bo eden ključnih igrlcev za njihovo moštvo.

Ponudba mora biti vsaj tolikšna kolikor je igralec ocenjen s strani direktorja kluba, če želiš da je ponudba sprejeta s strani menegerja in prestop uspešen.

However, on occasions your Chairman may not be willing to meet the valuation of the player so you will not be able to make a transfer offer for this player.