2,517,340 SM Kredit



Začetek prestopa

Obstaja več načinov nakupa igralca, lahko direktno klikneš na ekipo ali pa na ime igralca kjer koli v igri ali pa za iskanje uporabiš iskalnik (levo zgoraj), kamor lahko vnesete delno ime igralca / kluba.

You can access the transfer list to find out which player(s) have been put on the transfer list either by their manager or by the Chairman (due to them submitting a transfer request) and what their current asking price is.

Players on the transfer list are often players that are no longer required by their club, and therefore they should be easier to sign then if you were to approach a club directly for a player. If you don't have the necessary funds then you can see if there are free agents available.

Če želite nakupiti igralca, ki vam ustreza, morate dati ponudbo zanj. Toda v primeru negativnega stanja na računu kluba ne morete izvesti nobenih nakupov. Če je igralec na seznamu "igralci na prodaj", potem ima izklicno ceno, ki vam služi kot smernica. Drugače pa lahko uporabite njihovo predsednikovo vrednost.

In order to make an offer, click on the players name to access his Player Profile and then on Make Transfer Bid. You will then be asked to enter your offer by filling in the available boxes before you click on Propose Offer. The first box is the amount in millions and the second box is the amount in thousands.

Prior to submitting a transfer bid the player's Chairman will inform you the minimum transfer fee they will accept and the player will also inform you the wage they expect up to. However, his agent and your Chairman will negotiate the exact amount. Your Chairman will also inform you the maximum transfer fee that they are willing to pay.

You also have the option to make an undisclosed offer by selecting Hide Offer Amount. An undisclosed offer will mean that only you and the other party will know the amount of the transfer fee involved and it will remain hidden from third parties. However, the selling club has the option to disclose the fee if they wish to alert other clubs of the transfer fee.

It is worth remembering that the minimum number of players allowed in a squad that is managed and unmanaged is 21 and 20 respectively and this can be comprised of first team and youth players, including a minimum of two goalkeepers. Players on loan do not count nor do players out on loan.

Pravilo, ki vključuje minimalno število igralcev, je veljavno edino za klube znotraj Igralni svet, katere lahko vodite. Zunanji klubi so izvzeti, razen tistih, ki sodelujejo v SMFA tekmovanjih.

Če zunanji klub sodeluje v tekmovanju SMFA, potem ni možno kupiti njihovega zadnjega vratarja ali katerega koli igralca, če bi število njihovih igralcev padlo pod 18. Lahko pa ponudite ob nakupu v menjavo igralca, ki bo ohranjal zunanjo ekipo znotraj teh pravil.

Please note that if you cannot conduct a transfer in one go then we advise against attempting multiple transfers due to the other manager possibly reneging on the other transfer(s) or intervention by the SMFA.