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Postanite repenzentančni manager

Mednarodni menedžment je eksluzivna funkcija, ki je dostopna Zlati menedžerji. Torej, če ste Zlati Menedžer, boste imeli možnost, da postanetne repezentančni menedžer.

Vsak Zlati Menedžer ima možnost, da postane trener reprezentancev različnih Igralni svetovi, in ni pomembno kateri klub vodite ali kakšne rezultate nizate z njim.

There are 80 national associations within each Game World, and the vacant managerial positions for each association will be offered randomly to managers within the Igralni svet.

Alternatively you can take control of any vacant post by visiting the International List. However, if you have purchased either a Standardni igralni svet or Igralni svet po meri via the SM Trgovina you will be able to choose a starting association to manage during the creation of the Igralni svet.

You will only be approached by a national association within the Igralni svet if you are currently not managing any national team within that Igralni svet. If you are approached by one of the national associations then you will have the opportunity to accept or reject the job offer.

However, if you reject the job offer then that association will not approach you again. If you accept the job offer then you will become the national manager of that association, and you will manage that national team alongside your current club.

When you become a national manager of an association you will be given a contract, and each contract can last up to two seasons dependent on your success (as you can be sacked by your association).