2,517,340 SM Kredit



Mednarodni odstop

Morda bo prišel čas, ko boste imeli dovolj vodenja vaše trenutne reprezentance (zaradi različnih razlogov) in boste želeli zapustiti le-to.

If this is the case you need to click on Quit/Withdraw within Domača stran and then select the international country in question to resign from prior to entering your Soccer Manager login password to confirm your decision.

Če se vam prikaže sporočilo 'napačno geslo', ste vstavili napačno geslo. Ob naslednjem vpisu gesla bodite pozorni na velike in male črke.

Če še vedno imaš težave s tvojo kodo uporabi spomin pozabljene kode na http://www.soccermanager.com/login.php?action=forgottenpassword da ti pošljemo tvoje podatke o vpisu in tvojo trenutno kodo.

Once you have entered your password to confirm your decision you will immediately resign from the international country in question and the national association will then offer the vacant position to another manager within the Igralni svet (see Job Offers).

You will lose all of your accumulated Manager Points (however, they will still be displayed within your Profile alongside the respective international country you accumulated them with).