2,517,340 SM Kredit

Domov Skupnost

Ponudi klub

January 5, 2015

We have changed the way in which "Offer Club" works. This change means that if a club is now offered out it doesn't collapse any transfer offers. You can still conduct transfers with that club and it carries on as if it is an unmanaged club.

Soccer Manager 2015

November 4, 2014

We are excited to announce that our brand new single player game, Soccer Manager 2015, is playable from today – and it’s completely free!

This game, launching separately from our multiplayer game (which is still playable at SoccerManager.com), allows you to take complete control of your team in any of 40 leagues from across the world. Buy and sell players and establish your team’s formation and playing style with a huge range of tactical options. Build your club infrastructure and manage the finances off the pitch to guarantee future success.

The entire game is cloud-based – meaning that all you need to play the game is access to the internet via a browser the game works just as well in either a desktop or mobile browser, so you can play anywhere, everywhere, all the time - and there’s no installation required!

The game has undergone Alpha testing and is now into a public Beta phase – why not give it a go – remember, it’s totally free to play, and can be played in any browser – all you need is an internet connection!

Soccer Manager aplikacija

October 16, 2014

Great news! We've given our app for both mobiles and tablets a major facelift. The brand new look and feel includes a fantastic simple to use menu system which makes playing the game easier than ever. We've also made it easier to connect with your friends in Soccer Manager from sending them a message to playing together in Game Worlds. There's are lots of other new tweaks and improvements for you to enjoy too. So don't delay, why not go and take a look around now?

Novice "Feed" v "App"

May 16, 2014

After listening to your feedback we have now added the facility to post to the News Feed and also comment on stories in your Game World within the app.

Nov "Layout"

May 8, 2014

We have introduced a new layout to Soccer Manager that uses media queries. What does this mean? It means that Soccer Manager now adapts to your screen resolution and therefore gives you a better experience. Why have we made this change? Apart from providing a better user experience we also want to take advantage of the full width of the page but most importantly so that the Multiplayer looks the same as the forthcoming Single Player game.

Soccer Manager Single Player is still under development and we are giving you the chance to access the new game before anyone else or even become part of it. Does this interest you? Then please visit the Single Player tab for full details.

Over the past few months we have listened to our communities feedback regarding the SMFA. Along with this feedback we have also analysed the reports that have come in in great detail. Due to this we have made numerous changes to the SMFA that will address the concerns that our community has raised and it will also by more dynamic and tailored to specific Game Worlds as we understand that each one is different.

We have also listened to our communities feedback after we asked you "What you would like to see given back to you for your loyalty?" and we are happy to say that you will now receive additional club slots dependent on how long you have been playing Soccer Manager. This means that when your SM Reputation hits 60 you will receive an additional club slot and then an additional one when it hits 100.

In Upgrades we have removed Boku as one of the payment options. You can still pay with your mobile / cell phone but this will be via iTunes or Google Play via the Soccer Manager app.

Prostor za klube

February 27, 2014

Naredili smo spremembe obeh Klub Reža in Upravitelj / Scout poročila:

  • Tistim upraviteljem, ki so se registrirali po 14 Januarju 2010, je bila dana dodatna klubska reža. To pomeni, da vsak upravitelj v igri, lahko zdaj upravlja do 3 klube.
  • Naredili smo nekaj izboljšav na Manager / Scout Reports. Zdaj boste obveščeni o vseh možnih povečanjih bonitete in tudi o njihovih ocenah potenciala.

Številne spremembe in izboljšave so bile narejene na obeh začetnih in "web app". Zdaj lahko:

  • obiščete nadgradnje na "web app".
  • Ogledate si svoj profil.
  • Vaš profil zdaj vključuje "Moj Profil, Zasebna Sporočila, Posodobitve Igre" in "Nastavitve Računa".
  • Kliknite na ime upravljalca, da si ogledate njegov profil.
  • Pošlji "Zasebno sporočilo" drugemu upravitelju ali prijatelju preko njegovega profila.
  • Pošlji "Prošnjo za Prijateljstvo".
  • Sprejmi/Zavrni "Prošnjo za Prijateljstvo".
  • Odstrani obstoječega prijatelja.
  • Išči prijatelja.
  • Spremenite svoje nastavitve, e-naslov in geslo v "Nastavitve računa".
Torej, kaj še čakate, pojdite in posodobite "App" zdaj

Nadgradnje za iOS

February 4, 2014

Na voljo so nadgradnje aplikacije Soccer Manager za iOS.

Zasebna sporočila

January 31, 2014

Zdaj lahko pošiljaš in prejemaš zasebna sporočila od svojih prijateljev in drugih trenerjev preko aplikacije.

Soccer Manager App - Push Notifications

January 15, 2014

On the app within Account Settings you can now turn Push Notifications On/Off for transfer bids, results and completed transfers.

Soccer Manager App - Ponudbe za prestop

January 14, 2014

We have made a change to transfer offers within the Soccer Manager app. We have removed the pre-set amounts that you could choose and replaced it with a free text box where you can enter your desired amount.