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How do I negotiate a deal for a player?
If you are buying or selling a player you can negotiate a transfer deal instead of just accepting or declining the transfer offer. You can either access the Player Profile and click on the Transfer/Loan Bids tab before clicking on Negotiate or you can send the other manager a Private Message.

Ali lahko trgujem s klubom, ki je ostal brez trenerja?
Klubi brez trenerja so zaščiteni saj bo njihov Chairman preprečil vse prestope v klubu zo določeno obdobje, ko je klub v tranziciji.

Can I still conduct transfers if I have 21 players?
You need to have a minimum of 21 players at all times, therefore if you only have 21 players you can either buy a player for money or exchange a player in a transfer that will keep your squad the same size or increase it.

Kako dolgo lahko prestop traja?
Prestop lahko traja do 24 ur od tega ko se ta sprejme.

Why has my transfer collapsed?
A transfer can collapse due to a change in management or if it would lead to one of the club's dropping below the minimum number of players you are allowed in your squad.

Ali lahko kljub negativnemu stanju na računu kupujem?
Če nimaš denarja, ne moreš kupovati in/ali menjati igralcev.

Zakaj je predsednik kluba preprečil moj prestop?
Predsednik kluba se odloča o prestopih na podlagi številnih dejavnikov in se nagiba k temu da je prestop v dobro obeh klubov. Predsednik kluba deluje tako da igra ostaja poštena in uravnovešena. Velika večina prestopov je oddobrena s strani predsednika kluba.

Zakaj je SMFA blokirala moj transfer?
SMFA lahko in bo blokirala vsak transfer ki izgleda nenavaden in/ali dvomljiv . To še ne pomeni, da vas je SMFA obtožila goljufanja, ker je blokirala zato, da igralni svet ostane pošten.

Zakaj je SMFA preklicala moj prestop?
SMFA lahko in bo preklicala vsak transfer ki izgleda nenavaden in/ali dvomljiv . To še ne pomeni, da vas je SMFA obtožila goljufanja, ker je prestop preklicala zato, da igralni svet ostane pošten.

Why is the player I bought cup-tied?
A player will become cup-tied dependent on the competition and type of Game World that your are participating in. This prevents a strong team from gaining an unfair advantage by signing talented players from clubs that may have lost out in earlier rounds, in an attempt to increase their cup chances.

Why does my player have a transfer ban?
Once a player moves club on a transfer they receive a 20 Turn transfer ban for managed or unmanaged clubs within your Igralni svet,or a 2 turn transfer ban for transfer to an external club. This means that the player cannot be sold on again for 20 game Turns (20 league games) which is equivalent to 10 real life weeks or 2 game Turns (2 league games), equivalent of 1 real life week for transfers to external clubs. The club cannot receive any offers for the player and the player cannot be placed on the transfer list.

What could happen to a transfer after a players rating changes?
If you are buying or selling a player on the day that their rating is changing, then the deal could collapse due to change in value after the players rating has changed.

Prestop je propadel, ker je igralec zavrnil prestop v moj klub?
Igralec lahko zavrne prestop v vaš klub, če je ocena igralca veliko večja od povprečne ocene vaše ekipe.